Source: GeneralHook.js

 * Created by 212556710 on 5/2/16.
 * Sets up plugins before tests are run. This is called after the WebDriver
 * session has been started, but before the test framework has been set up.
 * @this {Object} bound to module.exports
 * @throws {*} If this function throws an error, a failed assertion is added to
 *     the test results.
 * @return {q.Promise=} Can return a promise, in which case protractor will wait
 *     for the promise to resolve before continuing.  If the promise is
 *     rejected, a failed assertion is added to the test results.
exports.setup = function() {}

 * This is called after the tests have been run, but before the WebDriver
 * session has been terminated.
 * @this {Object} bound to module.exports
 * @throws {*} If this function throws an error, a failed assertion is added to
 *     the test results.
 * @return {q.Promise=} Can return a promise, in which case protractor will wait
 *     for the promise to resolve before continuing.  If the promise is
 *     rejected, a failed assertion is added to the test results.
exports.teardown = function() {
    // Generating Report in JSON format
    // Converting JSON Report into HTML format

    var exec = require('child_process').exec, child;

    child = exec("java -jar ./node_modules/proui-utils/cucumber-sandwich.jar -f Reports/json_report/ -o Reports/html_report -n",
        function (error, stdout, stderr) {
            //&& sed -i '' 's/max-width: 250px/max-width: 1000px/g' ./Reports/html_report/cucumber-html-reports/regression.html
            console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);
            console.log('stderr: ' + stderr);
            if (error !== null) {
                console.log('exec error: ' + error);


 * Called after the test results have been finalized and any jobs have been
 * updated (if applicable).
 * @this {Object} bound to module.exports
 * @throws {*} If this function throws an error, it is outputted to the console
 * @return {q.Promise=} Can return a promise, in which case protractor will wait
 *     for the promise to resolve before continuing.  If the promise is
 *     rejected, an error is logged to the console.
exports.postResults = function() {

 * Called after each test block (in Jasmine, this means an `it` block)
 * completes.
 * @param {boolean} passed True if the test passed.
 * @param {Object} testInfo information about the test which just ran.
 * @this {Object} bound to module.exports
 * @throws {*} If this function throws an error, a failed assertion is added to
 *     the test results.
 * @return {q.Promise=} Can return a promise, in which case protractor will wait
 *     for the promise to resolve before outputting test results.  Protractor
 *     will *not* wait before executing the next test, however.  If the promise
 *     is rejected, a failed assertion is added to the test results.
exports.postTest = function(passed, testInfo) {};

 * This is called inside browser.get() directly after the page loads, and before
 * angular bootstraps.
 * @this {Object} bound to module.exports
 * @throws {*} If this function throws an error, a failed assertion is added to
 *     the test results.
 * @return {q.Promise=} Can return a promise, in which case protractor will wait
 *     for the promise to resolve before continuing.  If the promise is
 *     rejected, a failed assertion is added to the test results.
exports.onPageLoad = function() {};

 * This is called inside browser.get() directly after angular is done
 * bootstrapping/synchronizing.  If browser.ignoreSynchronization is true, this
 * will not be called.
 * @this {Object} bound to module.exports
 * @throws {*} If this function throws an error, a failed assertion is added to
 *     the test results.
 * @return {q.Promise=} Can return a promise, in which case protractor will wait
 *     for the promise to resolve before continuing.  If the promise is
 *     rejected, a failed assertion is added to the test results.
exports.onPageStable = function() {


 * Between every webdriver action, Protractor calls browser.waitForAngular() to
 * make sure that Angular has no outstanding $http or $timeout calls.
 * You can use waitForPromise() to have Protractor additionally wait for your
 * custom promise to be resolved inside of browser.waitForAngular().
 * @this {Object} bound to module.exports
 * @throws {*} If this function throws an error, a failed assertion is added to
 *     the test results.
 * @return {q.Promise=} Can return a promise, in which case protractor will wait
 *     for the promise to resolve before continuing.  If the promise is
 *     rejected, a failed assertion is added to the test results, and protractor
 *     will continue onto the next command.  If nothing is returned or something
 *     other than a promise is returned, protractor will continue onto the next
 *     command.
exports.waitForPromise = function() {};

 * Between every webdriver action, Protractor calls browser.waitForAngular() to
 * make sure that Angular has no outstanding $http or $timeout calls.
 * You can use waitForCondition() to have Protractor additionally wait for your
 * custom condition to be truthy.
 * @this {Object} bound to module.exports
 * @throws {*} If this function throws an error, a failed assertion is added to
 *     the test results.
 * @return {q.Promise<boolean>|boolean} If truthy, Protractor will continue onto
 *     the next command.  If falsy, webdriver will continuously re-run this
 *     function until it is truthy.  If a rejected promise is returned, a failed
 *     assertion is added to the test results, and protractor will continue onto
 *     the next command.
exports.waitForCondition = function() {};

 * Used when reporting results.
 * If you do not specify this property, it will be filled in with something
 * reasonable (e.g. the plugin's path)
 * @type {string}
 */ = '';

 * Used to turn off default checks for angular stability
 * Normally Protractor waits for all $timeout and $http calls to be processed
 * before executing the next command.  This can be disabled using
 * browser.ignoreSynchronization, but that will also disable any
 * <Plugin>.waitForPromise or <Plugin>.waitForCondition checks.  If you want to
 * disable synchronization with angular, but leave in tact any custom plugin
 * synchronization, this is the option for you.
 * This is used by users who want to replace Protractor's synchronization code
 * with their own.
 * @type {boolean}